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"Argentine Oil Field Landing" (excerpts from Radiolanda 2000 magazine, May 25, 1979, Buenos Aires). MUFON UFO Journal, No.139, Sept. 1979.
Brown, Gen. George S. Quoted by UPI (Chicago) about Vietnam War UFO sightings. Washington Star-News, Oct.17, 1973.
Fawcett, Lawrence and Greenwood, Barry J. Clear Intent: The Government Cover Up of the UFO Experience (N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1984). SAC base UFO sightings.
Gersten, Peter. (A) "What the Government Would Know About UFOs if They Read Their Own Documents;" 1981 MUFON UFO Symposium Proceedings (Seguin, Tex.: MUFON, 1981). Includes Sept.19, 1976 Iranian jet case.
----------------(B) "What the U.S. Government Knows About Unidentified Flying Objects," Frontiers of Science, v. III, no.4, May-June 1981.
Hall, Richard H. The UFO Evidence (Washington, D.C.: NICAP 1964). Reida "foo-fighter" report (p.23); Thomas "foo-fighters" letter (p.26); 1952 Washington, D.C. sightings (p.159); 1952 NATO sightings (p.162).
________ "UFOs in Arab Nations, "MUFON UFO Journal, No.133, Jan.-Feb., 1979. See also Arab Times, Nov.23, 25, 1978; Dec. 5, 10, 1978; Jan.20, 21, 24, 1979; Kuwait Times, Nov.16, 18, 1978.
Hall, Robert L. Statement to House Science and Astronautics Committee, Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, July 29, 1968, pp.103-104.
International UFO Reporter, v.3, no.2, Feb.1978 (Center for UFO Studies, Evanston, Ill.) Indonesian oil field case, reported to CUFOS by an Indonesian Air Force officer.
Lasswell, Harold D. "Men In Space," Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, v.72, art. 4, Apr.10, 1958.
Leet, William D. "The Flying Fortress and the Foo-Fighter;" MUFON UFO Journal, No.133, Jan.-Feb., 1979.
Maccabee, Bruce S. "Photometric Properties of an Unidentified Bright Object Seen Off the Coast of New Zealand;" Applied Optics, v.18, no. 15, Aug. 1, 1979; comments (v.18, no.23) and author's reply (v.19, no.11). Dec.31, 1978 movie film of UFO taken from aircraft.
Phillips, Ted R. "Close Encounters of the Second Kind: Physical Traces;" 1981 MUFON UFO Symposium Proceedings (Seguin, Tex.: MUFON, 1981).
Sinclair, Ward and Harris, Art. "What Were Those Mysterious Craft?" Washington Post, Jan.19, 1979. SAC base UFO intrusions, 1975, and Iranian jet case, 1976.
Tirman, Col. Robert. Report of southeast Asia UFO sighting taken from Jacksonville Daily News, Arkansas, Mar.27, 1969. Details confirmed in interview by Dr. James E. McDonald.